
A Guide to Recover Traffic From The Broad Core Google Algorithm Update

A broad core Google algorithm update is a massive change to the way Google’s search engine algorithm crawls and ranks websites. These updates are rolled out to improve the overall quality of search results and to ensure that users can find the most relevant and helpful information possible on the Internet.

Unfortunately, the same update has crawled down the rankings of various online businesses and websites. Nothing is more disturbing than seeing the downfall of your website ranking from top to bottom on the Google search engine platform.

Broad Core Google Algorithm Update

It could be because of poor quality of content, bad interface, and unethical SEO practices. Whatever the reason is, make sure you know the right way to recover traffic or ranking after the Broad core Google Algorithm Update.

To make that happen, keep on reading the article and read the tips and tricks shared below.

List of 4 Aspects that Can Help You Get Your Traffic Back

Google has announced 4 major guidelines that will help your website recover ranking after the algorithm update and prepare it for future updates:

  1. Content Quality

Google ranks up or down your website depending on the quality of the content. For instance, publishing blogs, articles or website content that doesn’t convey quality information to the targeted users will encourage Google to rank down your website.

Google crawls the content if it is relevant, high-quality, and original. Make sure you write correct information as it can help you get more clicks.

  1. The Importance of Actual Content Authors

You should never hide the author of content published on your website. It is important to understand the concept of YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) as it enables webmasters to have a clear understanding of Google and its goal. This means that the content Google redirects the user should not have any factual mistakes.

  1. Presentation & Production

This means the content on your website doesn’t contain too many ads that can ruin the reader’s experience. It can also affect the way it appears on the mobile devices. It becomes difficult to read and perceive the content which affects your SERP.

  1. Asking Comparative Questions

This is completely related to the way webmasters produce content. The most traditional way is to do keyword research, followed by researching synonyms and focusing on ranking the content or blog post as per the targeted keywords. However, this approach is not beneficial these days. The focus is on providing quality and effective content to the users on the website.

Benefits of Hiring a Digital Marketing Company to Recover Traffic After an Update

Whether you want to recover your traffic after an update or plan to prepare for the next, you will need an experienced and highly efficient digital marketing company that can help you rank the website on the top of search pages. They can also implement strategies to protect your ranking against any upcoming updates.

  1. A Thorough Analysis

A good online marketing company does a comprehensive analysis to help determine the key strengths and weaknesses of your website. This will help you find potential problems in your website and help fix them to get a better ranking.

  1. Data-Driven Approach:

Agencies leverage data and analytics to make informed decisions about your website’s optimization strategy. They track the effectiveness of implemented changes and adjust tactics as needed, ensuring data-backed SEO efforts.

  1. Scalability:

They have the manpower and resources to handle large and complex SEO projects, catering to websites of all sizes and industries. This is especially valuable for businesses lacking internal SEO expertise or facing competitive landscapes.

  1. They Keep a Close Eye on the Latest Update

Hiring a good company enables you to track the trajectory of your website. They will help you provide required changes wherever needed as they have experience with Google updates. SEO experts are professionals and can handle all types of situations without giving you a hint of stress.

  1. Performance Monitoring & Reporting:

Regular monitoring and reporting keep you informed about your website’s progress, allowing you to track improvements and identify areas for further optimization.

  1. Compliance & Risk Management

They stay updated on evolving Google guidelines and ethical SEO practices, ensuring your website remains compliant and avoids potential penalties.


There is no denying that Google’s Algorithm Updates always affect the overall ranking of websites. However, with proper awareness, quality content, and professional assistance, you can restore your traffic or protect your website ranking with ease.

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