
Tips to Properly Do Link Reclamation

Do you want to attract organic traffic to your official website? Are you searching for the best ways to get authentic links for your online business? However, the increasing competition and unethical practices forced Google to impose heavy penalties on such activities. So, getting links has become a test of patience and the right strategies.

White hat high-quality link-building strategies are one of those techniques that can help reclaim links from websites that have already mentioned you.

Link Reclamation

Today, we will unveil the strategies to find unlinked brand mentions and help website owners give you the link benefits.

Let’s Get Started!

1. Collect Prospects Using Tools

Start the process by discovering potential prospects. Of course, you can use Google search to find results manually, but you can achieve faster outcomes with the right techniques and tools.

Google Alert:

google alerts

If you are a novice, make the most of Google Alert. It can help you track your brand and find keywords with ease. You will receive an email notification whenever a website mentions your brand. It is a free, easy, and effective tool.

Social Searcher:


This is also a free tool that can help you find out the number of times your brand has been mentioned across different websites and online platforms. Use it with Google Alert and improve your brand monitoring without spending a penny.



Discover more about your public mentions using Brand24. It helps you track websites, blogs, and social media posts that have mentioned your brand.

All you need to do is to sign up free of cost and leverage different features. To leverage advanced features like data analysis, sentimental analysis, etc. get ready to spend your money.

2. Sort Your Prospects List

You will need to build your list of prospects. Once getting the list, find the prospects that can help you get reclamation links. However, mentions are considered implied links, focusing on getting actual links for mentions.

Make sure you download the file from Brand24 and sort the ones that have positively mentioned your brand. Leverage Ahrefs to check the backlink profile of a website.

There is no use in asking for a link from a website that doesn’t get enough web traffic.

Tip: Choose prospects that have a domain rating of 30 or more. Such websites can give you quality backlinks.

3. Prepare a Professional Request Template

Believe it or not! Asking for a link from authority websites is not easy. However, you can do this by creating a compelling request template to reach prospects and convey your message. There are two major factors to consider when creating a request template:

1. WIIFM – what is in it for me?

2. AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire and Action

Always request your prospect keeping their specific requirements in mind. Think of how that website benefits from linking back to you. It may help get more followers or blog readers.

If you are requesting a popular or really good authority website, be sure that your request stands out from hundreds of links.

Tip: Be clear, creative, and compelling when writing a subject line and the body of your link request.

4. Send Your Requests

It is always good to create a strategy when sending your requests. If you have a list of more than hundreds of prospects, set a target for a week and send requests accordingly. According to the experts, Tuesday is considered the best day to send out an email and get reverts within a few days while Fridays have the worst open rate.

You can also automate your email campaigns and send multiple requests and follow-up emails without a hint of stress. For that, you can use Lemlist. It can help you add custom images boost your reply rate and increase your chances of getting quick responses.

5. Wait For the Final Results

This is one of the most intermediating steps because you need to wait for the revert or results. If a prospect approves your request, they will approve your link and add it to their website.

You can also get links to your website through guest postings and fixing broken links.


These are some great strategies to help get reclamation links and generate more traffic to your website. Make sure you do proper keyword research and wait for Google to crawl and boost your web page ranking using other tactics.

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