
What Is Java Used For: 6 Real World Java Applications

Java- one of the most used and preferred programming languages by developers, is growing its popularity even after being in the market for 25+ years.

Makers of Java are continuously updating this language to keep it compatible with modern competitor languages. It’s quite surprising to know that there are around 3 billion platforms that are using Java apps and other functionalities of Java.

Moreover, Java also holds the pride of being one of the strongest programming languages because it provides amazing development features to the developers.

Some of the unforgettable features of Java are- platform independence, object-oriented programming (OOP), automated garbage collection and management, high performance, and much more. In this article, we’ll discuss the top six real-world Java apps in a detailed manner.

These apps can be of any type from the below-given types: Mobile apps, desktop apps, AI apps, web apps, gaming apps, big data apps, cloud apps, etc.

Now, let’s learn in-depth about the uses of Java in different types of apps!

Java Basics

Java programming language that is used for writing the code to develop modern web apps. It’s been a well-known choice of developers for more than two decades now.

It is a multi-platform, OOP, and network-centric language that can also be used as a development platform as well.

Java has some features like security, fast, and reliability that help developers in developing everything from enterprise software to mobile apps, and from big data apps to server-side technologies.

Uses of Java- Top 6 Real-Words Java Applications

There are many different places where Java language is used while developing real-world apps. Beginning from commercial website development to Android app development, from scientific apps to fintech apps, from game development like Minecraft to desktop apps like Netbeans, Eclipse, and IntelliJ, many other real-time apps are developed using Java language. Let’s see some of the best real-world Java apps.

1# Java used for developing Mobile Apps

Java language supports cross-platform features that are used for developing apps that can run across devices like smartphones and other similar devices.

According to different surveys, Java is the most popular programming language for developing mobile apps.

Here are some primary reasons to use Java for Mobile app development:

  • Java supports cross-platform functioning
  • It helps with writing simple code
  • Java is also highly compatible with Kotlin
  • It provides High-security

Java language also provides a functionality named J2ME which is a cross-platform framework to develop mobile apps that run across Java-supported phones.

One of the well-known mobile OS Android is also developed by using Java Android SDK.

Here are some of the popular Java-based mobile apps:

  • Tinder
  • Netflix
  • Uber
  • Google Earth

2# Scientific App development using Java programming language

While developing scientific apps, developers frequently choose Java programming language. Natural language processing and high-level concurrency tools of Java are better, safer, portable, and easily maintainable than C++ and other programming languages.

Java provides robust security features and many other powerful functions that make it a quick choice for developing varied scientific apps. It also provides strong mathematical calculations that give the correct outputs even on different platforms.

One of the most popular Java developed Scientific tools is MatLab.

3# Java-based Enterprise Apps

Java programming language remains the first choice for developing enterprise software/apps. It is because of its robust features that deliver high performance. Other than the performance factor, Java also helps in building secure, powerful, and easy-to-scale apps, so developers prefer to use Java for enterprise app development.

It has a version called Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition) that has an API along with a runtime environment that helps in easy scripting and execution of the enterprise software, web services, and network tools.

As per the report of Oracle, there are almost 97% of enterprise computers that run on Java language. This could be the result of Java providing high-performance features and speedier computing services.

Other than that, Java also helps in developing small-scale apps as well. No matter how small or big an app or project is, some functionalities remain common. As Java is constantly updating to fulfill business demands, here are some features of Java that make it a better alternative for small or big software development:

  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Flexible integration
  • Strong performance in managing large-scale workloads and even small-scale apps.

These are some of the amazing features that make Java a most suited alternative for enterprise project development.

4# Uses of Java- One of the uses is to develop Embedded Systems Development

Embedded systems are the combination of smaller units that combine to make a collective function for bigger systems. Java language has become one of the best solutions to help with managing software complexity.

Today a huge number of developers may use Java language in embedded systems. Also, Java has a huge variety of libraries for simplifying the developer’s lives.

These libraries can be simply reused by the embedded apps which increases productivity to a greater extent. Moreover, the presence of OOP makes it simpler to develop embedded systems even with less experience. All such Java features make it simpler for developers to maintain any complex system.

These systems are low-level projects that form a small but important part of a larger system. It can be a processor, a tiny chip, or any such thing.

Java has robust tools to handle such apps. Here are some of the best examples of Embedded systems developed using Java:

  • Blu-ray disc
  • SIM cards made using Java

5# Cloud Apps made using Java

Cloud computing refers to an on-demand access of computer resources without requiring a user for direct management. The Java language has carved a path in the development of cloud apps. It provides an affordable solution for IT infrastructure. Mostly, it serves as a platform for making cloud servers and apps.

Often Java is referred to as WORA- Write Once and Run Anywhere language. This feature makes it perfect to decentralize the cloud-based apps. Cloud providers frequently use Java to run their programs on different ranges of platforms.

6# Java used for developing Big Data projects

Big data is a popular and trending topic in the modern software development industry today. Big data can deal with systematically analyzing and extracting data from huge data sets.

One open framework that is popularly associated with Big data is Hadoop which is completely written using Java language. With functions like easy memory distribution, automatic garbage collection, and stack provision projects. Java also provides an edge over other technologies.

We can easily say that the Java language is the future of the latest Big data.

Here are some real-time Java-based big data technologies:

  • Apache HBase
  • Hadoop
  • ElasticSearch
  • Accumulo, and many more

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where is Java used in Real-World?

Answer: Java language is used in many fields such as eCommerce, finance, enterprise, distributed, mobile apps, or big data apps. For instance, most of the fintech software is used by tech heads like Barclays, Citigroup, and many others.

Also, eCommerce tech giants like Amazon are using Java programming to conduct their operations via mobile applications.

In the same way, several data processing & scientific projects might use Java language for making future-proof apps.

What are the uses of Java programming language in our daily lives?

Answer: Developers can use Java language in their daily lives for creating software no matter what size they are. Java and Java tools can run on the device that has Java Virtual Machine installed in it. It performs well on a single computer and also on distributed systems.

One can make small modules, games, server-side apps, enterprise projects, or even applets through Java programming. Hence, Java language can serve almost every software requirement of companies belonging to different domains.

Is the Java programming language used by Google?

Answer: Yes, Google uses Java for managing many of its tools, operations, and functions. One popular instance of Google using Java is the Google Docs tool. It is based on the Java platform.

Which are the popular apps that are developed using Java?

Answer: Here’s the list of some of the most popular apps or projects that use Java language in their core programming:

  • Netflix
  • NASA whirlwind
  • Spotify
  • Google and Android OS
  • LinkedIn
  • Amazon
  • Uber
  • Minecraft game
  • ThinkFree
  • Twitter
  • Wikipedia search
  • Spotify, and many more

Is Windows 10 using Java?

Answer: Yes. Almost all the Windows systems that are running right now are because of Java. There are high chance of Windows systems showing errors while downloading the latest programs or viewing certain websites if the latest version of Java is not installed.

What are some other uses of Java?

Answer: Here are some other popular uses of Java:

Java used for developing Mobile apps:

As Java supports cross-platform features, it is used for developing apps that run across phones and other similar devices. As per the survey it’s observed that Java is 2nd most likely to be used language for developing mobile apps based on Android OS. Some popular apps like Spotify, Twitter, Netflix, etc., are using Java for their base operations.

Here are some reasons why is Java used to develop mobile apps:

  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Writes easy-to-understand code
  • Good compatibility with Kotlin
  • High security

Web App development:

Java language is perfect for web app development because of its capacity to interact with different systems. It allows us to develop dynamic web apps that easily interact with the users. By using JSP, Hibernate, Spring, and JSP, Java developers can easily develop web apps. Here are some of its advantages:

  • Provides reusable code feature
  • It has a varied range of APIs
  • Amazing tools and IDEs
  • Robust security features

Artificial Intelligence:

Java language is one of the best programming languages used in current time for developing AI projects. It has infrastructure that is embedded well with smart software to increase AI programming. It has some quality features like strong interaction with end-users, easy debugging, easy-to-code, and many more features. Using Java can bring perfection to the AI process.

Final Verdict

Now, we have already seen why Java is and is becoming one of the most popular languages in today’s app world, and you can search its apps in almost every field. Due to its amazing performance, robust functionalities, and security features, Java language is highly used for developing banking apps.

It is also emerging as one of the most popular programming languages in the field of Big Data that is trending and in demand today.

So, there is a high chance that your development team will suggest you use Java language for your future business project development. You can bookmark us to stay tuned with the latest technical updates in the digital era.

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